The wide variety of wildlife on the estate is regularly monitored by a co-ordinated team of specialists covering birds, bats, mammals, invertebrate, fungi and so on.
Our farmland areas are part of the Defra Countryside Stewardship scheme which provides a great boost to all farmland birds, especially yellow hammer, skylark, grey partridge, corn bunting, lapwing and tree sparrow. We have an active hedge replanting and upkeep scheme and maintain field headlands and margins for the benefit of wildlife.
Within the park there are designated non-intervention areas, set aside for the benefit of wildlife. The Estate actively supports the Hertfordshire Biodiversity Action Plan. Areas of woodlands, glades and rides are specifically managed to enhance diversity. Dead wood, both standing and fallen is encouraged because of the important habitat it provides for fungi and invertebrates, who in turn support woodpecker, tree creeper, badger and other associated species.