Community: The Revival of Mill Green
A beautiful village sign was unveiled recently to mark the near completion of the new development at Mill Green Hamlet.
The event was extremely well attended by Lord and Lady Salisbury, the Mayor, members and officers from the Local Authority, the professional team involved in the project, and residents of Mill Green and the neighbouring communities.
Lord Salisbury explained how the 9 quality new homes have been carefully built following the traditional design and appearance of cottages previously built by Gascoyne Estates, and the high standards and attention to detail set by the Estates Design Code and Pattern Book.
Wider improvements for the public benefit include a greater sense of arrival, improved street lighting and noise attenuation which have all been woven into the development, along with a newly created green and and the village sign which marks the entrance to the community. Sustainable development is at the heart of the scheme, with each property operating on air source heat pumps, plus high levels of insulation, mechanical ventilation and heat recovery systems.
In September 2011, a three day charette (public meeting) was held with the residents of Mill Green, to discuss how the hamlet might be revived. It covered the challenges residents faced and provided the community a real voice in the project. The result of the charette was to agree a masterplan which sought to regenerate Mill Green. The design evolution was accompanied by open, friendly dialogue with residents, who were optimistic about how the hamlet could be improved.
Gascoyne Estates – Mill Green, Hatfield 3rd March 2023
Planning permission was awarded in 2018 and was actively supported by the residents. The community also expressed a strong desire to see the Green Man public house re-open, therefore the development has also seen the quality restoration of the grade II listed building. Adding additional dining space to the property, a new kitchen and landscaped grounds has resulted in the pub being let to a new operator.
In partnership with Jarvis Homes, construction commenced in 2021 with completion anticipated in May 2023.